7. Međunarodna konferencija “Alternativno rješavanje sporova – suradnja uprave i pravosuđa s gospodarstvom“

Hrvatska obrtnička komora organizira 7. Međunarodnu konferenciju “Alternativno rješavanje sporova – suradnja uprave i pravosuđa s gospodarstvom“ 15. i 16. studenoga 2016. godine u prostorijama HOK-a, u Ilici 49 u Zagrebu.

Cilj konferencije je podizanje razine svijesti javnosti i dionika o važnosti učinkovite javne uprave i pravosuđa za zdravo i konkurentno poslovno okruženje. Učinkovita javna uprava i pravosuđe su conditio sine qua non svakog gospodarstva.

Alternativno rješavanje sporova (ARS) kao izvansudski način rješavanja sporova je alat kojim poduzetnici mogu izbjeći administrativne barijere, kao i dugotrajne i opterećujuće sudske postupke. Ovaj način rješavanja sporova važan je za naše članove
kao i za druge male i srednje poduzetnike, posebno u prekograničnim sporovima te je podržan od institucija Europske unije.

Naša prva konferencija održana je 2010. godine pod visokim pokroviteljstvom Europske komisije – Opće uprave za pravosuđe, CEPEJ-a, Vijeća Europe i Ministarstva pravosuđa RH te je njome obilježen Dan europskog civilnog pravosuđa u RH.

Ovogodišnja konferencija će se održati pod visokim pokroviteljstvom Predsjednice Republike Hrvatske Kolinde Grabar-Kitarović.

Kao i na ranijim konferencijama, stručnjaci iz Hrvatske i inozemstva (Luksemburga, Grčke, Austrije, Slovačke, Crne Gore i
Nizozemske) predstavit će medijaciju u svojim državama. Na konferenciji ćemo predstaviti i Međunarodni institut za medijaciju (IMI) .

Više detalja o konferenciji, poziv, program i prijavnica u privitku.


Croatian Chamber of Trades and Crafts (CCTC) is pleased to announce the 7th International Conference „Alternative Dispute Resolution – Cooperation between the Public Administration and the Judiciary with the Economic Sector“ which will take place in Zagreb, Croatia on the 15th and 16th of November 2016.

The main goal of the 7th International Conference is to increase the level of awareness among the general public and stakeholders about the importance of the efficient public administration and the judiciary for a healthy, investment-driven and competitive business climate. Moreover, efficient public administration and judiciary are a condition sine qua non for the wellbeing of every economy. Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) as the out-of-court way of resolving disputes is a tool by which entrepreneurs can avoid excessive administrative barriers and can have an alternative to otherwise lengthy and expensive judicial proceedings. Use of ADR is especially important for members of the CCTC, tradesmen and craftsmen, just like for all SMEs, especially in cross-border disputes.

The CCTC has already successfully organized six international conferences on the topic of alternative dispute resolution in relation to the cooperation between the judiciary and the economy. The first conference was held in 2010 under the high auspices of the European Commission – DG Justice, CEPEJ, Council of Europe, and Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Croatia.

This year’s Conference will be held under the auspices of the President of the Republic of Croatia Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović.

Just like in the years before, various experts from Croatia and abroad (in particular, Luxembourg, Greece, Austria, Slovakia, Montenegro and the Netherlands) will be presenting the latest news from the world of mediation and how mediation functions in their respective countries. At the conference will be presented the International Mediation Institute (IMI) and the second day of conference the CCTC will be host of the IMI day.

More details in attachmants:







Datum objave: 18.10.2016.g.

(Tekst i foto: HOK)

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